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HomeAbstracts final 2025

CEPA's 2025 Annual online Conference

Conference abstracts are published in the 2025 supplement of the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology

Early Investigators Award

CEPA is excited to award an Early Investigators Award. To qualify, authors must be current students or less than 5 years from their latest degree or final formal training. The committee evaluated all eligible submissions based on relevant content, research design, contribution to the field, and overall professionalism.
Standardized Adapted Cardiac Rehabilitation at an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
Megan Haught, DPT; Heather McKenna, PT; Matthew Erby, MD; Erin Harmon, PhD

Inter-Rater Agreement on ECG Interpretation Among a Cardiologist, an Expert Reader
Ludmila Cosio-Lima, PhD; Amy Crawley, EdD; Lincheng Lee, MD; Youngil Lee, PhD; Lauren Adlof, EdD

Changes in Muscle Oxygenation & Motor Unit Activation in Resistance Exercise in Obese Women
P. Kavouras, MSc; L. Tsakyridis, MSc; S. Sikovaris, MSc; A. Zafeiridis, PhD; H. Douda, PhD; I. Smilios, PhD

Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Patients with Diaphragmatic Eventration
Amal Albatini, PhD; Fatma Alshammari, PT; Dherar Alshehab, MD; Gayathri Gorantla, MPT

Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Functional Capacity of Heart Failure Patients
Amal Albatini, PhD; Fatmah Alshammari, PT; Zahraa Alsayegh, PT; Noura Almutairi, PT; Shouq Alotaibi, PT; Gayathri Gorantla, MPT

Stepping Outside the Box: Tailoring Exercise Test Protocols & Procedures
Clinton A. Brawner, PhD, FCEPA; Samantha A. Pasztor, BS, MBA; Steven J. Keteyian, PhD; Jonathan K. Ehrman, PhD; Ryan Gindi, MD

Cardiovascular Responses to Single- vs. Multi-Chambered Blood Flow Restriction Cuffs
Brent F. Fedorko, PhD; Nicholas D. Rolnick, DPT; Victor S. de Queiros, PhD; Sean R. Zupnik; Samantha S. Watson; Campbell R. Ruffhead; Tim J. Werner, PhD, FCEPA

Assessing VO2 Peak Prediction Accuracy in Older Adults in Cardiopulmonary Rehab
Katy Kropatsch, MS

Effects of Exercise, Creatine & CoQ10 on Muscle Function in Children with Myositis
Yvonne K. Lee, MSc, MScPT; Hayyah Clairman, MSc; Kayla M. Baker, HBSc; Kristi Whitney, MSc, BScPT; Jo-Anne Marcuz, MScPT; Audrey Bell-Peter, RN; Saunya Dover, MSc; Kelsey Gsell, MSc; Eleanor Pullenayegum, PhD; Jane E Schneiderman, PhD; Andreas Schulze, MD, PhD; Samantha Stephens, PhD; Ingrid Tein, PhD; Greg D. Wells, PhD; Brian M. Feldman, MD

Congenital and Acquired Cardiovascular Disease Patients’ Sarcopenia and CPET Responses
Sandra K Knecht, MS; Alexander R. Opotowsky, MD; Kristian C. Becker, MD; Wayne A. Mays, MS; Adam W. Powell, MD, Clifford Chin, MD; David M. Leone, MD

Associations of Actigraphy-Assessed Sleep and Nighttime Blood Pressure in Adults
Caitlin A. Cheruka, PhD; Bethany B. Gibbs, PhD; Rachel M. Sanders, MS; Andrew G. Kubala, PhD; Mara E. Egeler, MS; Sanjay R. Patel, MD; Subashan Perera, PhD; Christopher E. Kline, PhD

Early Resistance Training after a Sternotomy vs Traditional Precautions
Katherine French, BESS; Hodel Ramos, MS, RN

Reliability of Popliteal Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation in the Seated Position
Taskina Akhter, MS; Patrick B. Wilson, PhD; J. David Branch, PhD; Leryn J. Reynolds, PhD

The Effect of ACE’s on Physiological Measures of Health
Jason Metz, PhD; Ryan Koenig, PhD; Chelsea Robertson, PhD
Neurocognitive Mobile Application Perception of Usability in Adults with Parkinson’s
Charvi Sharma, MEd; Chonnor Ludolph, BA; Thinh Huynh, BA; Christian Yabut, BA; Justin Burman, BA; Jose Miranda, BA; Dave del Mar, BA; C. Brendan Clark, PhD; Heidi VanRavenhorst-Bell, PhD
MOTRPAC CPET Core Lab - Quality Control and Threshold Determinations
Brian J. Coyne, MEd; Elvis Alvarez Carnero, PhD; Jeffrey Christle, PhD; Peter Brubaker, PhD; William E. Kraus, MD; Bret Goodpaster, PhD; Cynthia L. Stowe, MS; W. Jack Rejeski, PhD; Samuel Montalvo, PhD; Jerome L. Fleg, MD for MoTrPAC CPET Core Lab Working Group, for the MoTrPAC Study Group

Electromyographic Analysis of Multifidus Muscle Activity During Three Exercises
Manan Chandna, MEd; Charvi Sharma, MPT; Michael E. Rogers, PhD
Impact of Sleep Reactivity on Health Outcomes in Adults with Insomnia Symptoms
Emma K. Herring, BS; Sally A. Sherman, PhD; Tyler D. Quinn, PhD; H. Matthew Lehrer, PhD; Daniel J. Buysse, MD; Kelliann K. Davis, PhD; Christopher E. Kline, PhD; Caitlin A. Cheruka, PhD
Clinical Exercise Physiologists in the Inpatient Setting – a Case Study
Lauren R. Leuck, MS; Toni M. Reynolds, MS; Andrea Arrom, BS; Ashlynne R. Paul, MS; Regan N. Fitzgerald, MS; Natalee F. Lessert, BS; Marissa I. Koch, BS; Erik A. Roma, MS

Telehealth Program Creates Exercise Habit for Non-Adherent Patient with Orthostatic Intolerance
Shannon Rossi, MS; Kendra Ward, MD; Jillian Myers, MSN; Cassandra Raymond, DNP; Melissa McMahon, MS; Brittany Holst, MS

Effects of Normobaric Hypoxia and High-Intensity Interval Training on Hemodynamics
Emily K. Erb, PhD; Ellen Glickman, PhD, Adam Jajtner, PhD; John McDaniel, PhD
Inter-Individual Response Differences on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Heart Failure
George A. Kelley, DA; Kristi S. Kelley, MEd; Brian L. Stauffer, MD



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