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What is CEPA

CEPA is the Clinical Exercise Physiology Association, an affiliate society of the American College of Sports Medicine.

What is the purpose of CEPA?

The primary purpose of CEPA is to advance the scientific and practical application of clinical exercise physiology for the betterment of the health, fitness, and quality of life for persons at high risk or living with a chronic disease.
What does CEPA do?

The focus of CEPA is to advance the profession of clinical exercise physiology through advocacy, education, career development, and legislative activities.

As a professional network, CEPA is dedicated to:

  • Enhancing the communication between clinical exercise physiologists by fostering and promoting the interchange of ideas, offering mutual support and encouraging professional development.
  • Improving clinical practice by promoting established standards for programs, personnel, and facilities.
  • Working with employers and the public to promote the knowledge base and skill set of the clinical exercise physiologist.
  • Promoting scientific inquiry and advancement of education for clinical exercise physiologists and for the public related to exercise and its application in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and special medical conditions.
  • Cooperating with other professional organizations, health care providers, insurers, legislators, scientists and educators with the same or related concerns.
  • Supporting the development and maintenance of quality care.

Is CEPA a non-profit organization?


What is a Clinical Exercise Physiologist?

A clinical exercise physiologist (CEP) is a healthcare professional who is trained to work with persons with chronic diseases where exercise training has been shown to be of therapeutic benefit, including but not limited to cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease and metabolic disorders.

CEPs work primarily in a medically supervised environment that provides a program or service that is directed by a licensed physician. A CEP holds a minimum of a master’s degree* in exercise physiology, exercise or movement science, or kinesiology AND is either licensed under state law or holds a professional certification from a national organization that is functionally equivalent to ACSM’s Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist credential. An individual with a bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology, exercise or movement science, or kinesiology and certified as an ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist is also considered qualified to perform exercise physiology services.