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HomeAbstract submission 2025


- Call for Abstracts -

Abstracts Being Accepted Until November 15th, 2024

  • All accepted abstracts will be highlighted in the CEPA Annual Meeting final program and published in the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology.
  • Recorded slide presentations will be posted on the CEPA 2025 Annual Meeting webpage.
  • Previously presented abstracts or content from manuscripts that has been published will not be considered.
  • The first author will receive of accepted abstracts will receive FREE conference registration.
  • Early investigator award available to individuals who graduated with a bachelor's or master's degree within 5 years.

Scientific Abstract Size and Presentation

  • The abstract length must be ≤ 3,000 characters (excluding the title and authors).
  • Abstracts should be single-spaced, with no additional line space between paragraphs.
  • Neither figures nor tables are permitted.
  • Abstracts will be reduced in size when edited for publishing, so all lettering/symbols/lines should be clear and distinct.

Abstract Format

  • Use capital letters for the abstract title and the presenting author's name and affiliation.
  • Additional authors and their affiliations should be typed in title-case. Provide only the highest degree for each author.
  • For research abstracts, the following subheadings should be used: INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS.
  • For case study abstracts, the following subheadings should be used: INTRODUCTION, CASE PRESENTATION, MANAGEMENT or OUTCOME, DISCUSSION.
  • Define all abbreviations the first time they appear in the abstract.
  • Use only generic names of drugs.
  • Do not include citations/references.
  • Proofread the abstract prior to submitting. You will not have the opportunity to revise your abstract after it has been submitted.

Grading of Submissions

  • Abstracts will undergo a blinded review by the Conference Planning Committee based on scientific and/or clinical merit and overall presentation. Authors and institutions will be removed to permit anonymous scoring by the committee.
  • Notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author in December 2024 via email. 

Submitting an Abstract

  • Abstracts must be submitted through the CEPA website (link below).
  • The abstract submission fee must be paid through the CEPA website (link below). Refunds will not be provided.
  • The submission deadline is November 15, 2024.