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Exercise Testing

CPET guidelines
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Hi Mary!

Have you checked the AACVPR? Or the ACC?

The ACSM often references these organizations.

Thanks Mark. Yes I have searched and there are multiple resources but I find that gets overwhelming. The guidelines are nice to have an official statement with all of the research summarized to apply to current practice. I will definitely look into CPX International. Thank you!

Hi Mary. It really depends on what more specifically you are looking for. No, I do not think or see (when I search) any updates from ATS in 2001, but there is a wealth of information out there from multiple sources. I just typed "cardiopulmonary exercise testing guidelines" into my search engine and found multiple reputable sources. Also include what comes out of Europe and other countries as the US does not have a monopoly on CPET knowledge. It takes time but is worth it in the end. Also, I subscribe to CPX International (free) and get regular updates on new stuff. I find about 20% of it useful for me specifically but saves me from having to search for articles more often.

Hope this is helpful.


Anything in the works for an update to the 2001 ATS/ACCP guidelines for CPET? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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