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Exercise Testing

CEC for stress testing
Lori Saiia

I recently switched from CR to stress testing and would like to earn CECs in this content area. Does anyone have a good resource to use to obtain CECs specific to stress testing, CPET, etc? Thank you!!

David White

If you're working with children and adolescents, there is a great symposium through Cincinnati Children's called 'Clinical Exercise Testing and Therapeutics Symposium' and they provide CECs. If you work with adults, you may get something out of this too.

Lori Saiia

Thank you so much! I will definitely check that out!

Jamie Yancey

I am not sure of any CECs for stress testing, but if you’re looking for information or have questions regarding stress testing, I have been in a stress lab (nucs, PETs, treadmills and stress echo tests) for almost 12 years and would be happy to help if you want!

Jamie Yancey - ACSM-CEP, CCT

Lori Saiia

Thank you so much! I appreciate the resource! My email is I’d love to talk with you!

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